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CMOS AF! Oh my.

I’m not gonna lie.  I’m not the most technical photographer out there but if you ask me to photograph a cat on a tree, I’d be able to give you a photo of a cat on a tree that you’ve never seen before.  Not even the internet.

Earlier this week, announced that there will be a new Canon 5D mark IV.  A new toy that may feature 4k video recording at 30 fps, USB 3.0 connection, faster continuous shooting, dual pixel CMOS AF!  Oh my.

Can you just imagine this cat sitting on a tree taken with the supposedly upcoming Canon 5D Mark IV!?   I can’t wait to explore the possibilities of what this workhorse can do and improve my technical skills.

When (not if!), when I get my hands on this camera, move over!  Because when it comes to creativity, no one can stop me 🙂  I dream in 4k resolution with unbelievable dynamic range!


successor of 5D Mark II and Mark III

successor of 5D Mark II and Mark III


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