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Act of unselfishness

One of the things that I ask my Blissful couples prior to the wedding date is a photo shot list.  This is very important to me because it gives me an idea of whose who in the family.  When it’s time to shoot the formal photos after the ceremony, I need to make sure that we have everyone covered.

My typical shot list would look something like this:

Photo 1:  Mother and Father of the bride with the newlyweds

Photo 2:  Mother and Father of the groom with the newlyweds

Photo 3:  Both set of parents with the newlyweds

Photo 4:  Mother with step-father and newlyweds

Photo 5:  Grandparents with newlyweds

So knowing that there is a step-father is very important.  Aside from being a photographer, I play the role of counsellor.  I ask the bride and groom suggestions on how to approach photographing divorced parents, especially if they have new partners.  This topic has always been a touchy issue.  Sometimes I’ve had couples when divorced parents can’t be in the same room or photographed at the same park.

But this…this man, this father of the bride changed it all!   Wedding photographer Delia Blackburn is so fortunate to have captured such an amazing turn of events.  This gesture truly is the most dearest and sincerest act of unselfishness.  To read more, click here.

Delia Photography

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