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A post Mother’s Day blog

Sunday, May 11, 2014

This is how it goes every year and each and every time, I am overjoyed.

On Mother’s Day, everybody slept in.  It felt good to lie in bed with nowhere to go or brunch reservations to rush to.   My husband made his usual crepes.  This time, I stayed in bed because he insisted.   I couldn’t fall back asleep so I grabbed my Iphone and checked FB.  My news feed was overloaded with pictures of flowers and chocolates and restaurant brunch pictures!

I was happy to be in bed, in my pajamas pretending to sleep.

After what seemed like forever, the whispering became louder as they neared my bedroom door.  I hid my iphone and quickly went under the blankets.   They didn’t even knock.  They barged in my room and yelled “Happy Mother’s Day!” and I jumped out of the blanket, “surprised” as ever!  They stood in front me with such pride holding hand made gifts and a tray of my semi-cold coffee and crepes.

Everyone took turns reading their cards and displayed their crafts.  And I had a bite of my breakfast crepe and they ate the rest.

To me, that was perfect.

So you see, the biggest joy of being a mother on Mother’s Day is the opportunity to pretend to sleep, the chance to let your husband cook to show off his skills, the chance to let your kids turn the kitchen upside down and to adore crafts that you bought supplies for, earlier in the week.

Mother’s day is the opportunity to let them shine and be the hero.

These words melted my heart…

Blissful Creations Images

I hope all you great mom’s had a wonderful day!


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