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Something blue @ Eriza’s bridal prep

I’m finally getting to blog about Eriza and Renz’s wedding that we shot in the summer in Toronto. I first photographed Eriza as a bridesmaids during her aunt’s wedding years ago. Now it’s her turn to walk down the aisle and marry her prince charming.

The bridal prep was quiet and calm. No stress. No hustle and bustle. Just a bride getting ready and savouring the big day. It was nice to see Eriza so calm and collected and not a worry in the world!

Her favorite color is blue. Her room is blue. We were thinking of shooting in a non coloured room (more nuetral colours) but decided to stay in her blue room. Since it’s her favourite colour and it’s the room she grew up in, the photos would have more meaning if we kept it ‘real’.

So here a few pictures the morning of the bridal prep. Of a very calm, collective and beautiful bride.

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